Help Aiden and his parents

Created August 17, 2015
Richard LeMaster
He is 14 months old and for the last 2 months he has been running high fevers upto 104.5 with no explanation yet. Due to this he has been sent out of state to one hospital which couldn’t figure out what was causing this condition. He now is being treated at nationwide childrens in columbus and is on his 4th trip there. They have been doing extensive testing with no answers upto this point. Due to having to miss work to make these appointments his mother was terminated from her job. His father due to being a newer employee at his job has exhausted what little vacation time he had and has missed a lot of work with no pay in order to be there for Aiden. Now as well as Aiden needing help so does his parents as they are at a major financial loss due to the loss of income and having to travel out of state to all these appointments. They have no money to pay there bills or buy food there very proud people and would never ask for help on there own So I am asking for them any and all help would be greatly apprecitated.
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